Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rough times call for bold moves

Some churches create programs that are innovative and attractive. Then, there are other times that church leaders simply follow a spontaneous calling and make a bold move. This week, Leadership Network reported on one church making a bold statement and action to meet needs--or at least bring attention to meeting needs in these tough economic times. Here is the lead-in to the story. Click on the link below to read the entire article and download the economic report by the excellent writer and researcher for LN, Warren Bird.

From Leadership Network Advance:
On Friday, February 27, 2009, the stock market hit its lowest mark in more than a decade. That same weekend, during worship services at Cross Timbers Community Church (Argyle, TX), Pastor Toby Slough made the following announcement: "If you need money today to feed or house your family, please take money out of the offering plate, rather than putting money in." In response to his bold and generous words, the people of the church gave their biggest offering ever.

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